
Friday 24 November 2023

Wedded to the health of guests!

 Wedded to the health of guests!

As we enter the joyous and vibrant wedding season, a time of love, celebration, and unforgettable memories, it is crucial to not lose our focus toward promoting health and wellness for the cherished guests attending these momentous occasions. Wedding parties are renowned for their extravagant displays of culinary delights, including decadent desserts and delectable treats. However, amidst the revelry and merriment, it is essential to acknowledge the impact of high-sugar foods on the health of guests. With this in mind, the call for organizers of wedding parties to label foods that are high in sugar has emerged as a significant concern in ensuring the well-being of attendees.

The prevalence of high-sugar foods at wedding parties has become increasingly evident, with dessert tables adorned with an array of sugary confections and indulgent treats that tempt the palate of every guest. While these delectable offerings undoubtedly add to the festive atmosphere, the potential health implications of excessive sugar consumption cannot be overlooked. High-sugar foods have been linked to various health concerns, including obesity, diabetes, heart disease, and dental issues. As such, it is imperative to raise awareness about the sugar content of foods served at wedding parties, allowing guests to make informed choices for their well-being.

By implementing a system of labeling high-sugar foods, wedding organizers can play a pivotal role in promoting the health and wellness of their guests. Incorporating clear and visible labels that indicate the sugar content of desserts and other sweet treats empowers individuals to make conscious decisions about their dietary intake. The provision of this information cultivates a culture of mindfulness and enables guests to monitor their sugar consumption, especially for those with dietary restrictions or health concerns. Furthermore, it underscores the host's commitment to the health and satisfaction of their guests, fostering a sense of care and consideration that extends beyond the celebration itself.

The impact of labeling high-sugar foods extends beyond the immediate scope of wedding parties, resonating with broader societal efforts to address the prevalence of sugar in our diets. By instilling a mindful approach to sugar consumption at such high-profile events, we can set a precedent for promoting healthier eating habits and bringing attention to the detrimental effects of excessive sugar intake. This initiative aligns with the growing global movement toward wellness and health consciousness, offering a tangible opportunity to effect positive change within the realm of celebratory gatherings and beyond.

Acknowledging the significance of labeling high-sugar foods at wedding parties, it is essential for organizers to emphasize the accessibility of healthier alternatives. Incorporating a diverse array of low-sugar or sugar-free options demonstrates a commitment to accommodating diverse dietary needs and preferences, catering to guests who seek healthier alternatives without compromising on taste and enjoyment. By presenting a balanced assortment of decadent treats and health-conscious options, wedding organizers can create an inclusive and considerate dining experience that reflects the evolving priorities of today's health-conscious society.

In tandem with the call for labeling high-sugar foods at wedding parties, collaboration with culinary professionals, nutritionists, and health experts can provide valuable insights to ensure the accuracy and effectiveness of the labeling system. Drawing upon their expertise, organizers can gain a deeper understanding of sugar content in various foods and receive guidance on implementing clear and informative labels. This collaborative approach not only enhances the credibility and impact of the initiative but also elevates the standard of culinary offerings at wedding parties, emphasizing a harmonious blend of culinary excellence and health-conscious practices.

As we embrace the upcoming wedding season with anticipation and joy, the welfare and health of our cherished guests should remain at the forefront of our priorities. By spearheading the movement to label high-sugar foods at wedding parties, organizers have the opportunity to champion a culture of health and well-being, nurturing an environment where celebrations align with conscientious dietary choices. The inclusion of clear and informative labels, alongside a thoughtfully curated selection of healthier alternatives, exemplifies a commitment to fostering a holistic and considerate experience for guests, one that transcends the bounds of revelry and extends into the realm of lifelong wellness.

In conclusion, the imperative to label high-sugar foods at wedding parties underscores a collective endeavor to prioritize the health and welfare of guests amid the exuberance of celebratory occasions. By promoting transparency and enabling informed choices, organizers can pave the way for a paradigm shift toward mindful sugar consumption and health-conscious celebrations. As the wedding season approaches, let us embrace this opportunity to redefine the culinary landscape of celebrations and elevate the standard of hospitality by integrating health and wellness into the fabric of our cherished festivities.

Sunday 5 November 2023

Celebrating ill Health ?!

 Celebrating ill health! 

In recent times, concerns have been raised regarding the influence of celebrities on public health, particularly in the context of their endorsement of unhealthy food products. The advertising industry has long capitalized on the star power and aspirational appeal of celebrities to promote various products. However, when it comes to endorsing gutka, soft drinks, salted chips, and other unhealthy food items, it becomes crucial to question the ethical ramifications and the message being conveyed. Moreover, the misguided emphasis on excellence in sports rather than exercise is another factor hindering public health. In this article, we delve into the issue, exploring the negative impact of such celebrity endorsements and the need to reorient our public health priority.

Celebrities possess a unique ability to influence public opinions and behaviors, making them effective marketing tools. When these influencers lend their names and reputations to products like gutka, soft drinks, and salted chips, they unwittingly contribute to the promotion of unhealthy eating habits.


Public figures have a social responsibility to promote health and well-being, considering the broad reach of their influence. By endorsing and normalizing unhealthy food products, these celebrities may unknowingly contribute to the escalating rates of non-communicable diseases such as obesity, diabetes, and cardiovascular ailments.

Celebrities endorsing unhealthy food products inadvertently reinforce a message that success is linked to indulgence in such items. This misleading association further complicates efforts to promote a balanced and healthy lifestyle among the masses.

Public emphasis on sports excellence often overshadows the importance of physical exercise for maintaining health. While sports can undoubtedly promote teamwork, competition, and discipline, it may not always require excellence in it to promote overall well-being.

Society's obsession with athletic achievements may inadvertently lead individuals to believe that regular exercise, which is vital for public health, requires exceptional physique and performance. This myth can deter many from engaging in physical activity, contributing to sedentary lifestyles.

The definition of sports excellence needs to be expanded to include broader aspects like maintaining a healthy body weight, mental well-being, and regular exercise. By prioritizing fitness and exercise over sheer performance, individuals can lead healthier lives. Many celebrities losing out on health right after their sporting careers normalizes unhealthy lives for their fans!

Fostering partnerships with celebrities who embody healthy lifestyle choices and serve as positive role models can help redirect public attention toward a balanced, nutritious diet, and the benefits of exercise.

We could consider implementing stricter regulations on the advertising of unhealthy food products, especially when celebrity endorsements are involved. This would help reduce the risk of misleading consumers, especially the impressionable youth.

Collaborations between the stakeholders, health organizations, and celebrities can reinforce public health messages that advocate for exercise, balanced diets, and the dangers of consuming unhealthy food products. These campaigns must aim to shape public attitudes and behaviors towards a healthier lifestyle.

Celebrities wield tremendous influence, and with this power comes a responsibility to promote messages that prioritize public health. The endorsement of gutka, soft drinks, salted chips, and other unhealthy food products by these figures sends a conflicting message, one that encourages indulgence rather than a focus on wellness. By recalibrating our understanding of sports excellence and redirecting public health narratives towards exercise-based goals, we can collectively foster a culture of well-being. Efforts to redefine celebrity endorsements and prioritize healthy choices will create a healthier society, positively impacting both current and future generations.

Monday 16 October 2023

Happy Navratri

 'Is it a coincidence that most religions have fasting as an integral part of the practices they promote? Happy Navratri!'

I had wished people around me with this line at the beginning of the Navratri season and was happy to note the responses which varied from a counter wish, distinction in Zoroastrianism, an exposition of the New Testament and neglect.
There were also responses extolling the virtues of fasting - how it detoxifies the body and misgivings on how it leads the body to a low-energy state!

Predictably, the emphasis for most was on the words religion and fasting. There were, however, some responses emphasizing the word practice, which suggested that given the advantages of fasting, especially during specifictimes of the year, 'religion' was made part of the communication plan by our forefathers and foremothers to convey a key message and ensure compliance in the salubrious practice.

There is so much when we look online for research backing regarding fasting (confirmation bias). But if you look at mainstream
medical advice, fasting does not seem to be considered more than a fad of some, as in intermittent fasting. This brings us to the question of why traditional practices like not having
food after dark and fasting are not part of what we consume as advice.

In the consumerist culture of the day, we tend to
consume what we are made to consume rather than what we need. Attention is our currency, and it is vied for by goods, services, and practices with some possible monetization behind it. Non-commercial messaging is a casualty.

Not just messaging;  non-commercial research is also a casualty. In India, if you look at what our research institutions are concerned about and what our medical institute are convinced that it is primarily curative than preventive, commercial than health-promoting. Fasting to fight viral infections is noted in reputed Ayurvedic texts. However, even during the peak of COVID-19, we were unable to make it part of our mainstream
advice. Giloi was in; fasting was not. Yoshinori Ohsumi has won a Nobel prize for his work on autophagy induced by fasting. But we do not get to learn about it as there is no commercial purpose served. 

How do I monetize it if you fast? It may be possible. But we find these messages as practices in religion and society as someone thought of solutions beyond commerce at some point.
This is not a call to follow all that is tradition just
because it is tradition. The suggestion is that we should not neglect something only because it is tradition. Observational research could be a technical term that associates some sanctity to the thought - for the scientifically inclined mind.

 We may not have the appropriate action point in time if we insist on a randomized control trial for anything and everything. One way may be to evaluate the possible downside of the traditional practices and afford them relaxed research criteria for acceptance. Another way could be consciously
channeling public funding to non-commercial research, as molecules that can be bought and sold will always find funding for research from commercial space.

Happy Navratri! Do look closer for messages from the past!

Sunday 1 October 2023

Irony of wellness talks

Title: The Ironic Twist: Tea and Biscuits Distract the Audience from Healthy Lifestyle Talk

In a world where individuals are increasingly conscious about their health and well-being, it is not surprising to find discussions and talks centered on promoting a healthy lifestyle. However, there are instances when the message conveyed conflicts with the setting, leading to an ironic situation. One such instance occurred during a talk on healthy living where I was listening in, where the event's main point emphasized avoiding frequent meals to prevent insulin spikes, while the audience indulged in tea and biscuits overtly, thereby diverting attention from the vital subject matter. This ironic turn of events exposed the comical contradiction between theory and practice.

Healthy lifestyle talks and seminars serve as  platforms to educate individuals about the significance of implementing healthy habits. Topics commonly discussed include physical exercise, well-balanced diets, mental well-being, and avoiding habits detrimental to one's health. These events aim to provide attendees with valuable insights, motivation, and practical strategies, ultimately leading to improved overall well-being.

The talk in question had focus on avoiding frequent meals to prevent insulin spikes, which can lead to weight gain and other health complications. Insulin spikes occur when blood sugar rises rapidly following a meal, resulting in an equivalent rise in insulin levels. To illustrate the importance of this point, the speaker highlighted how consuming snacks throughout the day can sabotage efforts to maintain stable insulin levels. Not unbeknownst to the speaker, however, the audience was overtly indulging in tea and biscuits, completely opposing the very message being conveyed.

As the attendees listened attentively, the presentation was occasionally disrupted by murmurs, the clinking of cups, and the tantalizing aroma of freshly brewed tea lingering in the air. Observant eyes soon caught sight of attendees discreetly nibbling on biscuits, creating a stark contradiction to the message and causing ironic amusement among those who were aware of the contradiction.

The key takeaway from the talk was that individuals should avoid snacking throughout the day, opting instead for well-balanced meals with controlled carbohydrate intake. The reasoning behind this revolves around the fact that consuming food disrupts the stability of blood sugar levels, causing insulin spikes. By maintaining stable insulin levels, individuals can effectively manage their weight, reduce the risk of metabolic disorders, and maintain a healthier overall lifestyle.

In retrospect, it is inevitable that audiences attending health-related talks might indulge in distractions contrary to the message being delivered. Though this situation can be seen as humorous, it also points to the undeniable hurdles in implementing healthy habits. It reminds us that building and sustaining healthy habits require consistent effort, understanding, and self-control. It is essential to remember that embracing change and adapting healthy practices does not happen overnight.

In the ongoing pursuit of a healthier lifestyle, it is essential to appreciate the irony that occasionally arises. The incident whereby the audience at a talk on healthy living was distracted by tea and biscuits, while being advised to avoid frequent meals, serves as a reminder that even with the best intentions, staying on track can sometimes be challenging. Ultimately, the paradox highlights the ongoing struggle individuals face when reconciling theory and practice in their journey towards a healthier and happier life.

Friday 18 August 2023

Sun Breaks!

 Designating Tea Breaks as Sun Breaks: A Bright Idea for Health and Productivity

Tea breaks have become a sacred ritual in many institutions, providing a much-needed respite from the hustle and bustle of daily work life. A hot cup of tea accompanied by sugary snacks has long been the go-to choice during these breaks, providing a momentary energy boost. However, it's time to shake things up and consider a healthier alternative that can enhance both physical and mental well-being – sun breaks.

Picture this: instead of sitting indoors, sipping tea laden with sugar and munching on snacks, employees step outside to soak up some sunlight. A designated sun break not only offers an opportunity to rejuvenate but also has numerous health benefits associated with it.

One of the key advantages of sun breaks is that they can provide a much-needed dose of vitamin D, something that's deficient in many people's lives. Vitamin D plays a crucial role in maintaining healthy bones, teeth, and muscles, and it also supports a robust immune system. By encouraging employees to bask in the sun during their breaks, institutions can actively contribute to the overall health of their workforce.

Moreover, spending time in natural light can also help regulate sleep patterns and ward off sleepiness. Sunlight helps inhibit the production of melatonin, the hormone responsible for making us feel sleepy. As a result, employees returning to work after a sun break are likely to feel re-energized and more alert, leading to enhanced productivity and focus throughout the day.

In order to make this initiative more effective, institutions can consider creating designated outdoor spaces or rooftop gardens where employees can enjoy their sun breaks comfortably. These spaces can be equipped with seating, shade, and perhaps even some greenery or flowers to create a pleasant environment that encourages employees to disconnect from their work and reconnect with nature.

To further promote this healthy break alternative, it is important to educate employees about the benefits of sun breaks and the importance of vitamin D. Raising awareness on the risks associated with excessive sugar consumption is also crucial. By encouraging healthier choices, institutions can pave the way for a positive behavioral shift among their workforce, leading to improved overall health and well-being.

However, it's important to strike a balance. Designating sun breaks doesn't mean eliminating tea breaks altogether. Instead, it's about making a conscious effort to shift towards healthier alternatives. Employees can still enjoy a cup of tea during their break, but with a focus on reducing sugar intake and perhaps exploring healthier beverage options such as herbal teas or infusions.

In summary, designating tea breaks as sun breaks offers numerous benefits for both individuals and institutions. By encouraging employees to step outside and absorb some sunlight, institutions can boost their workforce's vitamin D levels, promote wakefulness, and improve overall health and well-being. Making this shift not only contributes to the physical and mental wellness of employees but also leads to increased productivity and performance, creating a win-win situation for all parties involved. So let's embrace the power of the sun and transform our tea breaks into a bright and rejuvenating experience.

Sunday 13 August 2023

Bus Karo!


Bus Karo

The present attitude in society and governance echelons regarding private modes of mass transport – like buses - is harmful, quite like the negative overtones attached to the title. I am trying to argue that there could be another perspective. 

When it comes to using buses as a citizen, the general feeling is that it is not for the non-cattle class. Only those who can’t afford any other means of transport are to use buses- especially in cities. When it comes to taxation, the size of the bus reigns supreme in creating an impression, and so also does the bus owner, who is invariably a wealthy person (especially so, given the unease of doing business). So buses are taxed –monetarily and physically (by controlling their access much more than light motor vehicles). If one views it dispassionately, an occupied bus is closest to the greenest manner in which mobility can be achieved for people- especially the lowest segment of society. A government and society which values equality (of the right to mobility) and the environment should be exerting to incentivize this collectively in finding a mobility solution. 

Instead, we tax. We tax it and ensure that the viable mode of transport for the common man is not as affordable as it can be. The taxes are in the form of road tax for the vehicles and all of the other taxes we enjoy ourselves imposing on the “big” bus owner. That the bus owner passes on the tax to the hapless customer citizen is conveniently forgotten. A high import duty ensures that comfortable buses are not easily available in the country. This helps in keeping the label of cattle class on buses as they are actually not more than converted lorries!

The tax is not just financial. It is physical. Whenever there is a traffic restriction, the private luxury car moves ahead in royal splendor. The proletarian bus passenger is asked to take a diversion or to stop at a distance from the scene of action. This gives good exercise to those who need it lesser than the ones moving in private car’s luxury. The luxury of the car is not just inside it. It exists outside, in the priority given for access. For temples, churches, and other congregation locations, invariably, buses are stopped at a long distance, and cars are allowed to go close. Making privileged access public is not usually explored.

In this context, the diversion of public bulk transport in the interest of private light motor vehicles must be re-examined. It would be divine to remove the tax and physical hurdles from ecologically and economically friendly bus transport. They could be given privileged access. Mother Earth would be happier to see this egalitarian solution.       

There is a need to explore technological solutions to make these eco-friendly modes of transport seamless. There is a need to use a global positioning system on the buses and make the data available through real-time systems to trusted applications so that solutions integrating buses with last-mile connectivity can be easier to operate. This last mile connectivity can be achieved through multiple modes ranging from skateboards to bicycles to taxis. 

Taxation can also be used with imagination to incentivize the suitable mode of transport.  

Along with incentivizing bus travel, efforts should be afoot to make it more convenient.  This would be required for a greater proportion of the middle class to migrate to it from cars.  

This could be done by making GPS facilities available in buses and having their routes pre-fed into an online database.  If the seat reservation system could be made online, the next generation would be happy to do on-the-spot reservations of bus seats depending upon which is the closest convenient transport.

We could also think of giving out these as services to portals who can build services on to them.  Once this data is made public, very imaginative services can be built by private initiative, and this would help the usage of buses to be much better.  This could prevent overcrowding of buses and make them a more convenient mode of transport.  At the same time, it would also ensure that buses are not having to ply without an adequate number of passengers.

Let us face it, the American model of every family owning a car is not sustainable for a nation like India.  This sort of conspicuous consumption should not be fuelled.  We need to develop our own sustainable development model, and we need to develop a culture where conspicuous consumption is looked down upon.   We have this in our genes.   Somehow, we seem to be buying into the Western growth story.  I am not arguing that the poor should remain poor for the sake of the rich.  My point is that we should be conscious about facilitating the lives of all by providing mobility and other necessities.  But we are a nation where our incentivization of consumerism will have immediate and drastic effects.  We should not be shy of taxing such behavior and deriding such behaviour as this is the only way such a  huge collectivity can remain on track and together.  

The road tax on cars is a point to be considered in this regard.  Today we have the same road tax irrespective of the location where the vehicle is plying.  What if the vehicle doubles up as an ambulance providing critical mobility in a rural area or ferries well-fed dogs in a posh colony?  The tax is the same.  Today we have the wherewithal to have a differential tax regime based on the location in which a vehicle is plying.  The odd-even scheme of the Delhi Government is a welcome step in this perspective.  But this must be backed up by making mass transport cheaper and more convenient.

Saturday 12 August 2023


 Dear Friend,

It is only with concern that we can note that our society is not giving public health the required attention. The instrument of the society that is best placed to respond with sagacity in this regard is the Government. However, given the realities of popular politics, it would require more of us to express our concern to convince the Government into early action in the interest of public health without being wavered by the commercial considerations of a few in the food industry.

The burden of diabetes is increasing. What is worse, the risk factors are available in families who do not have the wherewithal to fight the disease. The number of people who are affected by Non-Communicable Diseases like Cardiovascular Diseases, Chronic Kidney Diseases, and cancer is on the rise. This is primarily due to the packaged food industry, which is pedaling Ultra Processed Foods high in Sugar, Salt, and Saturated Fat. 

There is a recommendation from the WHO that packaged foods should be mandated to carry a warning label on the front of the package so that individuals and families can make an informed choice regarding choosing to consume such products. This would also mean that there would be some restrictions on the advertisements that can be aired during prime time and on channels that are exclusively catering to children.

This Front of Package Labelling (FOPL) is something that you are still waiting to see in India as the industry is resisting the same for considerations that are commercial. It is upon us now to be alive to this challenge and raise our voice regarding FOPL so that Government, through its FSSAI, makes the regulations and gives a chance to public health.

It is proposed that we form a collective to this end. Like-minded organizations and individuals could join forces to get this regulation in place. We could together chalk out action plans on what could be done to get this regulation from the Authority (FSSAI).

Your input in this regard will be most helpful. Please let us know if you would be able to associate with this effort. We could create a world in which we need not lose our near and dear ones early to a preventable non-communicable disease or disability. We count on you.

Warm regards,

Team 3S


#FOPL3S- 2

Front of Package Labeling

 Title: Urgent Need for Front-of-Package Warning Labels: Supporting FSSAI's Proposed Regulations in Line with WHO Recommendations


In an effort to combat the escalating epidemic of non-communicable diseases (NCDs), the World Health Organization (WHO) has stressed the importance of adopting front-of-package warning labels on food products. In this regard, the Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) has taken a significant step forward by proposing the implementation of regulations for such warning labels. These labels would play a crucial role in promoting informed consumer choices, raising awareness about the harmful effects of certain food products, and ultimately, safeguarding public health.

Growing Burden of Non-Communicable Diseases

Non-communicable diseases, including obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, and certain types of cancer, have reached alarming levels worldwide. In India, these health issues pose a significant burden on individuals, society, and the healthcare system. According to the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR), a staggering 62 million people in India suffer from diabetes, a condition greatly influenced by unhealthy dietary patterns.

The Role of Front-of-Package Warning Labels

Front-of-package warning labels offer a vital tool for promoting healthier food choices and combating the adverse health effects of consuming excessively processed and unhealthy food products. These labels provide easily recognizable information about the nutritional value, ingredients, and potential health risks associated with a particular product.

Key Benefits of Implementing Warning Labels

1. Enhancing Consumer Awareness: Warning labels prominently display key nutritional information, allowing consumers to make informed decisions about their food choices. This transparency empowers individuals to opt for healthier alternatives and reduce their risk of developing NCDs.

2. Encouraging Product Reformulation: The inclusion of warning labels pressures food manufacturers to reformulate their products to reduce harmful ingredients. This can drive the development of healthier alternatives and help establish industry-wide standards for improved nutrition.

3. Protecting Vulnerable Groups: Warning labels are particularly beneficial for vulnerable populations, including children, adolescents, and individuals with limited health literacy. The graphic presentation of risks simplifies the decision-making process and steers consumers away from potentially harmful food products.

4. Aligning with International Best Practices: By adopting front-of-package warning labels, India would align with international standards set by the WHO. This convergence would facilitate global harmonization of food regulations and enhance consumer protection on a global scale.

Supporting FSSAI's Initiative

The proposal made by FSSAI to introduce front-of-package warning labels embodies a proactive approach towards safeguarding public health. Embracing international practices and aligning with WHO recommendations, this initiative demonstrates FSSAI's commitment to fostering healthier dietary habits among Indian consumers.

The FSSAI's proposed regulations strike a balance between ensuring consumer protection and maintaining a favorable business environment. The mandatory labeling of food products with easily comprehensible warning symbols would educate consumers and empower them to make healthier choices, while also encouraging industry-wide reformulation of food products.


To address the growing burden of non-communicable diseases and promote healthier food choices, the adoption of front-of-package warning labels is both necessary and timely. Following WHO's recommendations, FSSAI's proposal for mandatory warning labels represents a pivotal step towards prioritizing public health and fostering informed consumer decisions. By embracing these regulations, India can potentially transform its food landscape into a healthier and more sustainable one.

Organisations like SHOHM and 3S and Our Health Society should come forward to make a concerted effort to help the implementation of warning labels against more than recommended dietary allowance of Sugar Salt and Saturated Fat in the interest of public health. 

MR Rajendran Nair


#FOPL3S -1

Saturday 5 August 2023

AROH (Action for Results in Overall Health)

 Concept Note: Action for Results in Overall Health (AROH)

1. Background:

Non-communicable diseases (NCDs) such as heart diseases, diabetes, and certain types of cancer have become a significant global health concern. These diseases are often influenced by unhealthy lifestyle choices, leading to a steady rise in morbidity and mortality rates worldwide. To combat this growing health crisis, it is essential to implement effective preventive strategies that encourage individuals to adopt healthier lifestyles.

2. Objective:

The primary objective of Action for Results in Overall Health (AROH) is to establish a committee of employees within an organization, which will convene regular meetings to identify, implement, and review nudges aimed at promoting health through lifestyle changes. By leveraging the collective intelligence and motivation of employees, AROH seeks to inspire positive habits and prevent non-communicable diseases along with promoting health and well being.

3. Approach:

a) Committee Formation: A multidisciplinary committee comprising representatives from various departments shall be formed. This committee will ensure diversity in perspectives, skills, and insights required to address health promotion effectively.

b) Regular Meetings: The committee will hold frequent meetings to discuss and brainstorm potential nudges that can be introduced within the organization. This will enable the committee to generate innovative approaches and establish a comprehensive framework for promoting healthier lifestyles.

c) Nudge Identification: The committee will identify specific areas where nudges can be implemented to catalyze positive behavior change among employees. Examples of potential nudges could include initiatives that inspire physical exercise, healthy eating, stress management, and smoking cessation.

d) Nudge Implementation: Once potential nudges are identified, the committee will collaborate with relevant departments, such as human resources, health and safety, and workplace wellness, to execute these initiatives. The implementation process will involve extensive planning, resource allocation, and effective communication strategies tailored to the organization.

e) Regular Review and Evaluation: AROH will emphasize the importance of monitoring the effectiveness of implemented nudges. Regular review meetings will be held to assess the impact of these initiatives on employee health, productivity, and overall wellbeing. Adjustments or modifications to the nudges will be made based on the review outcomes, ensuring continuous improvement.

4. Expected Outcomes:

a) Improved Employee Health: By promoting healthier lifestyle choices, AROH aims to reduce the incidence of non-communicable diseases among employees. This will lead to improved health outcomes, decreased absenteeism, and enhanced overall productivity within the organization.

b) Enhanced Organizational Culture: The integration of health promotion strategies will foster a culture that cares for and supports employee wellbeing. This will create a positive work environment, boosting employee morale and job satisfaction.

c) Knowledge Sharing and Capacity Building: AROH will facilitate the exchange of ideas, best practices, and experiences related to health promotion. This collaborative platform will enhance awareness and knowledge among employees, empowering them to become advocates for healthier lifestyles both inside and outside the workplace.

5. Funding and Sustainability:

AROH can seek funding through various channels, such as corporate social responsibility initiatives, health-focused grants, or partnerships with external organizations committed to health promotion. To ensure sustainability, the committee will drive engagement and participation among employees, establishing a self-propelling cycle of health promotion initiatives.

6. Conclusion:

The Action for Results in Overall Health (AROH) concept aims to establish a committee of employees within an organization to drive health promotion through regular meetings for identifying, implementing, and reviewing nudges. By empowering employees to make positive lifestyle changes, AROH seeks to prevent non-communicable diseases, improve overall health and wellbeing, and foster a culture of employee wellness within the organization.

For more details email at

Thursday 8 June 2023


 DNA 10.7.16


The International Day of Yoga has come and gone. On the 21st of June you have done your annual share of stretching, twisting, relaxing, breathing, etc. and therefafter relegated your learning and experience to the once-per-annum-retrievable corner of your memory. This in my view is a crisis situation and deserves a scientifically oriented counselling from the best self-proclaimed expert in all matters of logic and reasoning, such as your columnist. 

I belong to the place which famously figured, a few years back, in the TV serial “Mungeri Lal Kay HaseenSapnay. Other than the said character, Munger in Bihar is better known as the place where the International School of Yoga is located. Influenced by the school, I have grown up playing games that revolved around competing in who-contorts-the-body-the-most, not knowing why exactly we were doing what we were doing. Age brings unforeseen, often unfathomed maturityhence what I have to say now might strangely be of interest to you. 

Though the main purpose of Yoga is to unleash spiritual and mental powers of an individual, it has been the subject of intense global research for its inherent capacity to fight stress and anxiety. With the intention of ensuring that it acquires a permanent place in your head and life, let me take you through the scientific basis of yoga in a stepwise manner:

1. Cortisol, a steroid hormone, is made in our adrenal glands and then released into the blood. 
2. Almost each and every cell in our body has cortisol receptors.
3. Depending upon the type of cell it is acting upon, cortisol is responsible for controlling the body’s blood sugar level, regulating metabolism, acting as an anti-inflammatory, influencing memory formation, balancing blood pressure/salt/water, and also in aiding fertility
4. The levels of cortisol in the blood show dramatic changes in the course of a day. Extra cortisol is released each time in response to any form of stress (even those we consider insignificant), such as working late night, emotional conflicts, physical hard work, etc
5. With the help of cortisol, the body responds to stress by completely shutting down certain other functions (such as the immune and reproductionsystems) so that the energies of the body can be redirected towards dealing with the stress. 
6. Over a prolonged period of time, too much stress leads to too much cortisol being released, which in turn lowers metabolism and immune functions, leading to rapid weight gain, susceptibility of body to pathogens, osteoporosis, blood pressure imbalance, muscle weakness, etc. 
7. It is proven that long term stress also has links to insomnia, chronic fatigue syndrome, depression, thyroid disorders, etc. 
8. The best way to manage cortisol levels is to manage stress and take anti-inflammatory diet. 

Now for the good news. Modern research accepts yoga (I am focusing on Asanas, Pranayama and meditation here) as one of the best methods for moderating the production of cortisol, thereby managing the stress response of the body. By reducing cortisol levels, yoga therefore raises the immunity levels of the bodySecondly, when we hold our body in a yoga posture for a few breaths/counts, our parasympathetic nervous system is stimulated, which in turn lowers our BP to enable a better post-stress response. Thirdly, no amount of exercise in the gym or outdoors, massages our internal organs, which are nothing but muscles performing a particular function. Yoga keeps these muscles exercised and active. Fourthly, yoga is able to enhance the body’s natural defense mechanism against free radicals. 

John Denninger of the Harvard Medical School has recently published his work after 5 years of sustained research, showing that Yoga and meditation can actually “switch on and off some genes linked to stress and immune function.” Another study published by the Nobel Laureate Elizabeth Blackburn from UCLA, found that just eight weeks of daily yoga meditation for 12 minutes each, substantially reduced stress-induced aging. Therenow! You have heard it from the horse’s (read scientists) mouth! Need I add anything more?

Baboo Samjho Ishaarey, Yoga Pukarey!